
As members, contributors, and leaders within this community, we commit to fostering an environment that is supportive, respectful, and free from harassment. This commitment extends to everyone, regardless of characteristics like race, age, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, experience level, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, religion, sexual identity, or orientation.

Our pledge is to engage in ways that promote an open, kind, diverse, welcoming, inclusive, and healthy community. While this code primarily applies to communities owned and operated by SuperCopy, we hope it sets a positive example for other SuperCopy-related groups and forums. It's worth noting that this code applies both online and offline, and it may evolve as we learn and grow. Your feedback is always appreciated as we continue on this journey 🙏.


To contribute to a positive environment for our entire community, we can:

We will not tolerate any of the following: